Health Requirements;
IMPORTANT; It is ESSENTIAL that you do not fit any of the following criteria to be able to
work with Kambo;
· Have had heart surgery or have any other serious heart issues
· Have severely low blood pressure that you are taking medication for
· Have a history of multiple blood clots
· Suffer from a serious mental health condition
· Have suffered a stroke
· Have had an organ transplant that you are taking immune system suppressing
medication for
Those on the following list may NOT safely take Kambo.
Those who:
· Have serious heart problems.
· Are on medica on for low
blood pressure.
· Have suffered a stroke.
· Have had a brain haemorrhage.
· Have had aneurisms or blood
· Lack the mental capacity to
make the decision to take
· Have serious mental health
problems excluding depression,
PTSD and anxiety.
· Are undergoing chemotherapy,
radiotherapy or for 4 weeks after treatment would take place.
· Take immune-suppressants
for organ transplant.
· Have Addison’s disease
· Have current and severe
· Are recovering from a major surgical procedure
· Are pregnant or maybe so
· Are breast-feeding a child
under 6 months old (over 6 months is fine and merely requires a rest from nursing for
4-6 hours after treatment)
If any of the above apply to you then you will not be able to work with Kambo for your own
safety. It is essential to disclose any relevant information to me. Do not withhold any relevant
health information.
If you have any other serious health issues or any condition that you are currently taking
medication for then it is essential that you let me know so that we can discuss before hand.
Other relevant medical information;
If you are menstruating at the time of treatment, Kambo may well cause the flow to increase
for 24-36 hours because it contains powerful Vasodilators. If you are Asthmatic ensure that
you have your inhaler with you. If you carry an EpiPen for health reasons please bring with
you and make me aware of this. Asking you to carry these items to ceremony is merely my
own personal request to be super rigid on the side of safety. If you are Diabetic it’s important
to discuss your treatment in advance. You must inform me if you have previously or are
currently suffering from a mental health condition, regardless of whether or not you are taking
medication. The only exception to this is mild depression and/or anxiety. In most cases it is
usually completely safe for you to continue taking your normal medication but please discuss
this beforehand.
Before the treatment it is ESSENTIAL to fast for 12 hours!
That includes no coffee or black tea. Water and herbal teas are fine. Set intentions for what
you would like to let go of before the ceremony. What ever isn't serving you and you want to
release from your being. Also set intentions for the positive things you would like to call into
your life. I ask that you refrain from drinking alcohol or taking recreational drugs in the 24
hours before and after your treatment. It is ideal to eat a healthy and nutritious meal that is not
to heavy as your last meal before the treatment. Ideal example; brown rice and veggies, big
fruit salad etc, not recommended example; Meat feast stuffed crust pizza with Pepsi, burger
and fries etc. Please use your own discretion.
What is the 'Vaccina De Floresta'?
In many tribal traditions, Kambo is taken as the Vaccina De Floresta and is administered as 3
treatments over one moon cycle. This is a super potent and effective way to go very deep with
cleansing, each treatment providing deeper healing. Please let me know if you are interested
in sitting the 3 treatments in a moon cycle. Kambo can on request be taken as a double
treatment in one sitting which would be at additional cost. If this is something you are
considering it is best to let me know before hand and you would need to bring an additional 5
litres of water. The more you work with the medicine, the deeper it goes. Everyone will
benefit from a single session, providing none of the contra indications listed apply to that
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